Ladies Night
League Rules
Team Best Shot: Basic best shot: everyone tees off, the team then selects the best shot, and all ladies hit from there; continue to finish the hole
Roll ball anywhere within one club length, pick and clean if necessary
10 score rule: if at anytime your team scores a 10, pick up the ball and continue to the next hole--mark score card with a 10
Finish all putts outside of tap-ins
Team Assignments: Please contact your group in advance to determine times (or if an alternate date is needed)
Rounds must be completed on or prior to August 7
Please mark date it was supposed to be played on scorecard
Pin Events: Please check the clubhouse prior to golf for nightly pin event instructions–Wednesdays only.
Mulligan Night: every other week your team can buy mulligans
Snack Nights: One Wednesday of each month–June 12, July 10, and August 7. Bring a shareable snack!